MVC2120WP-LED NASA training pool srs DOE Westinghouse MVC2120WP-LED DOE Pole Camera helmet camera Buoyancy Laboratory NASA

In typical remote viewing applications, several key factors determine whether the task can be accomplished and what cameras can be used. Usually there are space and access constraints and often there are difficult environmental conditions like temperature, radiation levels, humidity, and other severe conditions. The MVC-2120WP-LED is often a perfect solution for such applications. The ruggedized borescope camera diameter approximately 35mm. This special Micro Video Products camera can be used in many industrial inspection technology applications. The camera features very low light sensitive color cameras with illumination capable of conducting inspections in total darkness. These units can be attached to any gooseneck or articulating pole. Special camera technologies like this allow fabulous inspection capabilities. You can use  a portable or stationary monitor separate from the camera and pole for viewing at a safe distance. These pole camera systems facilitate inspection of entangled wiring or components, help in the remote repair of  failure in machinery or failures in dangerous areas , and allow visual assessment of difficult to access areas where space or danger are a factor. Because it is sealed, it  is perfect for everything from basic saltwater applications to nuclear fuel pool inspections.

ALSO see NEW HD Version  here


 Camera Specifications:

Image Sensor: *Super HAD CCD II Color CCD Image sensor

Lens: f = ~ 4 mm - Various lenses can be fitted for various apps LEDs: includes 6 WHITE LEDs circumferentially around the lens

Field of view: ~ diagonal 80 degrees

Shutter/Exposure: Automatically selected, 1/60 - 1/100,000 sec.

Pixels cell size : 7.15μm (H) × 5.55μm (V) - large Pixel size  for excellent low light sensitivity

Smear: Typical -105 dB

Video Output : VBS 1.0 +/- .2 v p-p - 75 ohm

Luminance S/N: More than 45db

Supplied Voltage: 9 - 12 volts @ 110 ma.

Size: Less Than 1.4 " Diameter barrel x  2.5" long (- ruggedized borescope camera diameter is approximately 35mm.) (with 30 Meter / about 98 ft. harness) ASK for Custom harnesses any length

ENCLOSURE: Made of Brass, Waterproof, WHITE LEDs inside Waterproof: Camera & LED enclosure can withstand 30 Meters water depth

* “Super HAD CCD II” is a trademark of Sony Corporation

see application Note as follows:

Applying Simple Technology Accomplishes Visual Inspection Challenges

by Cassandra W. Robinson of the Westinghouse Savannah River Company

Quote from above app. note as follows...

"In particular, the Microvideo MVC-2120WP-LED color camera has been successfully used in a radiation field varying from 0 to 13 Rads/hour with no visible degradation in the video image. Above 13 Rads/hour, some “speckles” appeared in the image, but the image quality remained excellent. When the camera was removed from the radiation field, the speckles disappeared..."  END of QUOTE

Note This app note available here:

SKU SKU17613
Weight 3.00 lbs
Our price: $714.03
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